
Pilates Ralph – Anna’s dad; he goes by many names, and is a familiar face at the studio!  Ralph has been a member since our doors opened four years ago, and at 73 years young, puts many of us through our paces in class!

Ralph has rehabilitated his back following a fall from a ladder, and manages Type I Diabetes with regular Pilates and Yoga classes at Inna Essence.

He’s an inspiration, getting up for the 5am classes and focusing on his form and technique during Athletic Reformer; as well as regularly attended Yoga classes to maintain his flexibility.

Congratulation Ralph – our Inna Spirit Member of the Month for November!


What challenges or goals brought you to Inna Essence?

“I think to maintain my fitness, to improve my balance and core strength.”

As a man in his early 70’s, Ralph sees the value in daily physical exercise to prolong his quality of life.  He focuses on steadiness and moving in a way which is safe, yet challenging.


What is it about Pilates that motivates you?   How have our classes and services been helping you on your wellness journey?

Ralph enjoys the steadiness and mindfulness of Pilates – “You don’t need to go full out for the entire class (at my age I need to be careful of not overdoing it).  I really like the guidance of the instructors, as they move around the room and adjust my alignment and provide modifications as I need them.”

“I feel the instructors provide great individual guidance, and they can determine what my needs are and put me on the right path.  Obviously with Diabetes, I need to maintain regular exercise and this is such a great form of movement for me.”

Ralph really enjoys the camaraderie of other attendees in each class; “The people in the classes are all there for great reasons and we get on really well.”

What do you love most about the studio? What is your favourite class?

“My daughter Anna Grant.”  🙂  Haha!  “No, jokes aside, the studio environment is nice and relaxing, all the members are incredibly lovely people – very welcoming.  Also, the instructors are all great – very knowledgeable, and I know I’ll have a great workout and be well looked after with any of the team.”

Ralph particularly enjoys our Athletic Reformer classes; these are the most challenging of all our Reformer sessions.  “It gives a great challenge and helps with my strength and tone.  The faster pace between exercises, less time to rest and more advanced movements keeps you on your toes.”


What was one unexpected benefit?

“I was surprised with the overall fitness gains that I could achieve just through Pilates and Yoga.  I’ve come to see that exercise doesn’t need to be strenuous to be effective.  Pilates and Yoga offers a mindful, intelligent way to exercise, regardless of your age.”

Member of the Month for November at Inna Essence