
Meet Sharon; mother of three sons and a teacher.  Sharon was nominated by an Inna Essence team member who says;  “It’s clear sometimes when Sharon arrives at the studio that it’s been a really big day for her, but it’s so great to see her make the time and effort to turn up.  Sharon really stands out as a member who values form and technique over anything else.  She’s an absolute champion with her dedication to understanding each movement and is beautiful to watch and support as an instructor.”


What prompted you to join Inna Essence?  

Sharon had seen us when we first opened and were working from the function room of the Footy club in Springwood.  She was interested but didn’t have the confidence to do anything at that point.  Then a couple of years later, Sharon saw we had moved to Logan Road.

“You had moved and I saw the new studio looked so beautiful and inviting.  I came to some of the beginner workshops with my sister, and I loved the vibe!  The gorgeous space and caring staff; I thought this would be a great way to start my fitness journey.”


Why is Pilates your chosen form of exercise?

“Before Inna Essence, I had been to a few gyms just after having my babies, and I did their Mat Pilates class.  But after having children, I didn’t do any form of fitness and I was losing my core muscles.  I thought Pilates would be the best option to get my core muscles back in shape.  

Since I’ve started attending classes, I’ve been focused on improving my form and technique.  I’m encouraged by the team, and I can see all the changes in my body after only a little over a year!”

Sharon is a mother of three sons, ranging in age from 15 to 12 years old.  Her youngest son has only recently been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.  This has been a life changing season for Sharon and her family.  They have all come together to support him, and even though it’s taken a huge emotional toll, not to mention hours spent with doctors appointments and juggling medication; Sharon has still remained dedicated to attending regular Reformer Pilates classes.  

“I need to go to Pilates so I have ‘me time’, and think about my body and how I’m feeling.  Sometimes I’ll leave 5 minutes early for class so I have time to sit in the beautiful Reception area and just breathe.”


What do you love most about the studio? What is your favourite class at Inna Essence and why?

I love the atmosphere, the calmness, I love all the different types of classes even though I’m just doing Reformer. Pilates at the moment.  I think the range of classes is amazing under one roof.

I love Reformer because:

  1. I enjoy the active Reformer classes (Athletic Reformer)
  2. Individualised encouragement in class
  3. I’m challenged by the team but in a supportive way


What changes have you felt in your mind and body since joining Inna Essence?

Definitely self confidence in my body has improved, and I generally feel stronger to do day to day tasks.  My posture has improved, and my mental health feels better, both at work and at home.  I just feel an overall wellness.  


Inna Essence will be making a donation towards a charity of Sharon’s choice to thank her for being such an incredible part of our studio community:

Sharon’s eldest son has autism, so she would love a donation to support childhood autism.  Inna Essence will be making a donation to Autism Queensland:  https://fundraise.autismqld.com.au/general-donation-page

Sharon Inna Spirit member of the month at Inna Essence